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Africa Water Week video intervention: Experiences from the City of Lusaka, Zambia

Africa Water Week presentation: Integrating climate information into urban planning decisions, Lusaka

Africa Water Week video intervention: Experiences from the City of eThekwini, SA

Webinar: Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development in sub-Saharan Africa

Webinaire: Démonstration et application d’un outil de planification financière pour les services météorologiques et hydrologiques nationaux africains

Webinar: Demonstration and application of a financial planning tool for African National Meteorological and Hydrological Services

Adapting Rwanda – growing Rwanda’s tea and coffee sectors under climate change

E-learning course webinar 3: In-depth review analysis and further guidance

Webinar: Delivering African climate information services sustainably

E-learning course webinar 2: How to conduct an IPCC review

E-learning course webinar 1: How the IPCC works

Dr. Cheikh Mbow encourages African scientists to review IPCC reports