As collaborative climate research programmes become increasingly attractive to achieving wide-spanning impact, understanding how to harness the potential of these programmes is vital to maximising their success. The inclusion of knowledge management units and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) processes early on in programmes has proven to be effective in the success of large programmes. Knowledge management units can play important coordinating roles in programmes, in order to support collaboration, capacity development and knowledge dissemination. Effective MEL processes are able to monitor and evaluate the progress being made within programmes, but also identify lessons and allow for adjustments or course corrections where needed. The interplay between these two features is extremely important as KM units can support the coordination of monitoring and evaluation, but can also facilitate learning on effective knowledge mobilisation strategies. Through ring-fenced funds, KM units are also able to support emerging research and capacity development needs within programmes. The inclusion of a knowledge management unit and MEL process which are able to reinforce each other is crucial for future programme design.
Through the experiences of Future Climate For Africa (FCFA), the Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), and Collaborative Adaptation Research Initiative in Africa and Asia (CARIAA) programmes and session participants, we shared lessons from the success and failures of existing efforts to answer the following questions:
-  How has effective knowledge management and coordination influenced the outcomes of large programmes?
- How do we design MEL processes that not only monitor progress but improve the impact of a programme?
- What are the opportunities or challenges in including Knowledge Management units and MEL in programmes from the start?