The FCFA Mid-term Conference will be held from 4th – 7th September, 2017 in Cape Town, South Africa. The primary goal of the mid-term conference is to share and engage critically on research conducted in the first two years of the programme. A secondary goal of the conference is to reflect on progress and share a roadmap for the 2nd half of the FCFA programme and its legacy. The conference will be an internal FCFA event, with the majority of participants being researchers from across the five FCFA consortia. Select high profile partners and users will also be invited.
Conference Agenda and themes
The central focus of the agenda will be poster presentations and thematic breakout sessions aimed at facilitating critical engagements across consortia, work packages and disciplines. Alongside this, selected high profile partners will deliver keynote talks, and two plenary sessions will focus on FCFA learning, impact and legacy.
Conference themes will be built around the following:
- Physical climate variability and change science
- Co-exploration and co-production of climate services
- Decision making under climate uncertainty
- Information distillation and communication
- Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods
- Urban Planning and Water resources